Always keep your Records Safe
Start as you mean to go on.
Getting busier and more popular relies on very strong foundations. You don't want to be putting all your efforts into building a house of cards that can be toppled by anyone at any time.
Make no mistake, the bigger and more popular you become, the bigger a target you are for people trying to take advantage of you, or even take you down for their own gain.
It could be just a jealous person. It could be a rival or competitor. It could just be a crazy! No matter how good you are, and how much your clients love you, you WILL run into a troublesome client or situation one day. How you set yourself and your business up will dictate how effectively you can deal with that.
All of the above are not optional in our industry. No matter who your client is: friend, family, stranger, fan....they must all go through the same process of treatment and records.
No exceptions.
You must make sure all your clients get the same consistency of message when you deal with them. If it helps, keep your own checklist of points that must be checked off. It’s too easy to miss vital parts of the process if you’re chatting about other things. It’s easy to be distracted by a busy environment, children, stories, situations…but you MUST make sure your bases are covered.
At Dermace, we are in the unenviable position of seeing what happens when things go wrong in these situations. Without paperwork, there’s very little we can do to help.
It's also your responsibility to store your records properly. Losing paperwork in a flood, house move, meter strike is never an excuse.
It's like putting on a seatbelt in the car. Just do it. It's boring, but it may save you one day.