Training in the NHS as well as experienced SPMU Technicians.
I can train you at your clinic or hospital and we can work on your clients. Alternatively, you can come to my training centre (West Yorkshire) and carry out your course there.
If you’re new to Micropigmentation (tattooing) I can include a session on the basics to get you up to speed.
If you’re a fully qualified Semi Permanent Makeup Technician, I can train you in Medical Tattooing - both Areola and Scalp.
Medical Tattooing is a great way to show your Cosmetic clients that you’re a highly skilled specialist.
Dermace Medical Micropigmentation Training
Teresa Fletcher, the Head Trainer and Director of Dermace, has trained many surgeons, nurses and medical professionals through out the UK and Ireland. She is considered to provide unrivalled skills and training within this part of the industry.
Medical Tattooing typically involves:
Areola restoration
Scar Treatments
Treatment of burns & scars
Scalp Micropigmentation
Medical Micropigmentation
Medical Micropigmentation comes in 2 or 3 modules:
The standard offering is:
3d Areola Tattooing
MCA Scar Treatment
The extra module you can add on is Scalp Training. This includes Densification for thinning hair (male and female), as well as full scalp mapping for whole-head treatments.
Ideally, we like our Medical students to have a solid grounding in Semi Permanent Makeup before taking on these courses.
If you already work in a Medical setting, such as Dentistry or Nursing, and you’d like to enrol in Medical training we can help.
We would undertake a day of intensive general Micropigmentation Training before moving onto the Medical work.
We have a really solid knowledge-base for you to draw from, and our work within the NHS keeps us at the forefront of the Medical Micropigmentation arena. We also cover pigment science and machinery during the course - which is an essential part of the training.